Language course private individuals

Wilt u op een effectieve manier het zakelijk Engels, Duits of Frans van uw medewerkers verbeteren? Wij geven al 30 jaar zakelijke taaltrainingen op maat bij bedrijven in het hele land. Sinds kort bieden wij ook blended learning aan: een combinatie van gewone lessen  van een docent met e-learning. U krijgt toegang tot online spreek-, luister-, schrijf- of grammaticaoefeningen over de stof die in de lessen behandeld is.

Tailored courses

Our courses are all tailor-made: we focuss on your aims and level to achieve the best result.

Do you have some knowledge and would you like to achieve a higher level in the language of your choice? Is your employee a beginner and would you like him or her to understand your business partners or colleagues better?

Alpha Talen offers language courses centered around you and based on your level, objectives, background and schedule.

Method of operation

When you contact us for language training, we invite you for an intake interview with a teacher first. This includes a brief test to establish your level, wishes and demands. Depending on the objectives, desires, needs and current knowledge levels, we establish the number or hours needed to achieve those goals.  Request information.


business english course in company


The rates for an individual course are €75 per hour. For a group of 2 the costs are € 80 per hour, whereas we charge €90 per hour for a group of 3 people. The courses are all tailored to your needs!


Intakes and Common European Framework

Our intakes are done in person or online via Zoom. The teacher will discuss the learning background of the interested person and his/her goals for the course. Non-beginners will be asked to do a written test. This intake and test will give us a better idea of the level of the student. The language level can vary from beginner to native speaker according to the European standard described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Langauges. A beginner is at level A0, a native speaker at C2. The levels are A1 and A2 for a basic user,  B1 and B2 for an indipendent user and C1 and C2 for a proficient user .

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